Growing beyond what you can on your own.
"AgentHUB 360 is leading the way when it comes to providing exactly what agents need to grow and sustain their business."
— Kurt Uhlir, Industry Leader, Showcase IDX
Put together. Managed for you.
A Business Mentorship Program guides you on the journey to a complete Business Plan. Business Coaching and a Community of Top Performers propel your growth. You make good decisions. You have clarity to act.
You delegate to your support team which is managed for you. Your Tech Stack, Lead Gen, and Database are connected to one CRM. Your team, technology & follow-up can now be leveraged for ultimate results.
The heart of the HUB is the real people consistently following up on the phone with EVERYONE and doing it forever. Growing each relationship from the last communication and doing it over the long term.
It starts with getting clear. Where are you and where are you going?
Starting with the end in mind.
Business Mentorship Program
- - 360 Business Plan
- - Weekly Business Coaching
- - Weekly Master's Circle
- - 360 Master's Circle Facebook Community
The CEO HUB includes:
360 Business Blueprint Includes:
- Gap Diagnostic
- Tech Stack Plan
- Lead Gen Analysis
- 360 Marketing Plan
- Human Resource Plan
- Wellness Plan
- 3-year Financial Forecast
- 360 Flex-Team Strategy
- Production to Passive Income Plan
- Organization Builders - Financial Plan with Revenue Share
- Organization Builders - Agent Attraction Plan
- Expense to Income Analysis
Your team behind-the-scenes moving and managing multiple parts of your business.
Transforming the way you work,
creating greater profit & peace of mind.
The Operations Center is your team that manages the technology, leads, data & details that drive your Real Estate business. It frees you to do other things ...including taking more time off.
1. Your business runs from one HUB
It's having your own call center, data manager, systems analyst, and remote assistants all working with you to grow your business.
- - Act on all your leads & clients + what to do next in one system
- - Manage on-the-go with your easy-to-use phone app
- - Release the admin and marketing to your Operations team so you are free to focus on clients
2. We optimize your LEAD GEN
It's essential to have all your leads in one system. The HUB eliminates the chaos of clicking back-and-forth between multiple websites to manage leads. we also make sure nothing falls through the cracks.
The Operations Team maximizes your ROI by integrating ALL your lead gen & tech stack into your one CRM connected to the Follow-Up Center:
- - IDX website
- - Lead Gen sources
- - Social media marketing
- - Listing marketing
- - Buyer/Seller Market Reports
3. We manage your entire DATABASE & CRM
We find the hidden gold in your database. The Operations Team does this by organizing and then managing everyone in one system that's engineered for results.
Every business runs on data, which is why we built a system to manage it for you.
WE produce more referrals and life-long clients so you close more deals with fewer leads.
- - Your Operations Team works with you through your CRM
- - Your CRM displays all updates & results from the Follow-Up Team
- - Your Database is regularly scrubbed and maintained
We bring all the data into one place so we can manage it in order to follow-up on everyone, so you have a "book of business" to sell.
Also includes:
- Delegate more than 50 different tasks with a couple clicks
- Client activity from your website, calls, and texts
- Detailed notes and call results from the Follow-Up Center
- Lead Gen ROI Analysis - compare all your sources in one place
- Compelling Scorecard - tracking leading & lagging measures
- View by Relationship Ratings so you know where to focus
- Work by Deal Stages - moving Contacts from "Intro to "CLOSED"
- User-friendly CRM phone app to easily speak to update records
- Pop-by Mapping tool on your CRM phone app
- Productivity Dashboards - know where to focus your energy
Following up forever with everyone is the most important thing we do to catapult your business to another level.
Producing more referrals & life-long clients.
We are the human part of follow-up in your business, making sure no relationship is lost. We consistently follow-up on the phone with EVERYONE for their lifetime!
1. Lead Gen is so much more than Online Leads.
We generate new transactions by calling and staying connected with ALL of the people your business has reached: Past Clients + Sphere + Contacts, as well as your New Leads. This means you:
- - Close more deals with fewer leads
- - Have more referrals and life-long clients
- - Access the"Lifetime Value" of every person
We focus extraordinary energy on organizing then managing every one in one system that's engineered for results. This enables your HUB team to do the human follow-up with each of them forever.
We maximize all the client opportunities. That's 360 Lead Gen!
2. Making you proud & much more profitable
Anyone can mechanically call cold leads, BUT only warm and highly skilled people call for you in the Follow-Up Center:
- North American Engagement Specialists
- Masterfully converting with a non-soliciting style
- Uniquely trained on the psychology of sales, not scripts
3. Maximizing the ROI on your Lead Gen:
Our long-term follow-up means you stop neglecting your database, stop chasing cold leads, and stop wasting money on New Leads:
- Direct integration of ALL of your Lead Gen & marketing
- Immediately calling all new leads until we convert
- Forever follow-up, after we introduce these converted leads to you
Also includes:
• Introductions & Live Transfers to clients ready to speak with you
• Notes of all calls & texts in your HUB CRM for you & team to see
• Ability to start conversations where the last conversation left off
• Automatic "Hub Assists" start calling when leads go dark on you
• Call frequency increased or decreased with change in client status
• Agent selecting which clients only he/she should call, no one else.
Transforming the lives of agents.
See Scott's full interview of how he leverages the HUB, as well as what other people have to say...
Imagine the fun
of only speaking to people who want to speak to you.
Your talented team of Engagement Specialists is always the first to respond and call on your new leads, shielding you from the wasted time and energy. You only get introduced to new clients once rapport has been built, they are qualified and want to speak with you... How do you feel now?
Imagine the freedom
of relaxing at the lake, knowing action is happening 7-days a week.
You get a text from your Follow-Up Center about a new lead from your kvCore boost. The Client wants to meet you next week! After 13 calls, your Team has finally connected and uncovered a $450,000 listing and an $800,000 purchase! Meanwhile, your Operations Team has set them up on a Buyer search and added them to your pipeline. How do you feel now?